Articles on Alliances

London Business School Business Strategy Review article on "Equity Alliances Take Centre Stage" (summer 2003): Peter Pekar writes on the latest in alliance thinking

Wall Street Journal (August 15, 1999):  A Merger Price Premium Doesn't Equal Poor Value

Daily Deal May 24, 2000: "Post Merger Integration -- Why Good Deals Go Bad"

Strategy & Business (4Q 1999): "Post-merger Integration -- What Makes Mergers Work?"

Strategy & Business (2Q 1998): "Institutionalizing Alliance Skills: Secrets of Repeatable Success"

Alliance Analyst (April 29,1996): "Arguing the Collaborative Core"

Strategy & Business (1Q 1996): "How Strategic Alliances Work in Biotech" by Lawrence M. Fisher

Strategy & Business (1Q 1997): "Competing in Constellations: The Case of Fuji Xerox" by Benjamin Gomes-Casseres

MG Management General (2-17-99): "Strategic Alliances are Hot--and Getting Hotter!"

Joining Forces:  article published by Entrepreneur Magazine December 1996, explaining the history and meaning of the term "co-opetition" through the use of case studies

Getting Together:  article from Jan. 1, 1999 CIO magazine with case studies that illustrate the pluses and minuses of a variety of strategic alliances, with links to useful resources and statistical information 

United We Stand: article from Entrepreneur Magazine April 1998 details the processes, the pros, and the cons of strategic alliances

Strategic Alliances in High Technology: article in Red Herring July 1994 with a primer to examine relationships that have prospered and those that have flagged

Licensing Your Product:  article from  Business StartUp's Magazine's January 1997 Issue, discusses the benefits of licensing your product to another company, including the names of other contacts, books, and Web sites that may be useful in the licensing process


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